Saturday, March 27, 2010

welcome, Spring

Spring has sprung here in my neck of the woods, and I am so enjoying the longer days. My mood seems to shift around the Spring Equinox every year. It's such a relief to come out the dark months and into SPRING, glorious SPRING. I have more energy for action and connection.

That being said, I am also processing some pretty major stuff in my life. But somehow the sunshine and warm make it a little more manageable. Stuff is moving, for sure.

This equinox, I planted the seed of being super, duper kind to myself. I've been riding some pretty kick-ass emotional waves lately. Remembering that however my process unfolds, it is really, truly, deeply okay. Perfect.

Here's to growth!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


So, here we go...

I've been jones-ing to start a blog for a while now. To share myself, to connect, to be brave in the face of fear.

This is it!